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The best multimedia content at home

Discover Combo: the new BLI BLA BLO offers

Check out our offers and get advice from your local partner or personalise your package straight away using our online ordering service below (in French).

Du MobiStart pour les utilisateurs occasionnels au MobiEuro pour les plus connectés : quelles que soient vos habitudes, nous avons l'abonnement qui vous convient !

En plus avec une connexion Internet fixe BLI BLA BLO, profitez de CHF 10.- de rabais sur votre abo mobile!

Take advantage of our unbeatable offer and make unlimited calls to all Swiss landline network!

Your benefits : Free unlimited calls (24hrs/day) to the Swiss network (landline and mobile), Le Bouclier call blocking service protects you from unwanted calls, online management of your bills and many more !

Local partners at your service

With a bli bla blo multimedia subscription, you can rest assured that you’re getting a local service supported by local, trusted partners.

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